
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:你好,学长 更新时间:2013-11-13
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关键词: 地方政府融资平台;风险;管理


ABSTRACT:Since 2009, local governments in national development financing platform. Through this platform, the local government broaden the central government investment proje- cts matching funds financing channels, accelerate the pace of urbanization. However, the local government financing platform rapid development, has also led to sharp increase in risk. In this paper, the local government financing platform for risk analysis, risk management initiatives. This paper mainly analyzes the risks of local government financing platform, and then proposed risk management initiatives.

   This paper mainly consists of five parts.

   The first part is an introduction section. Main topics of the research background and significance analysis, and current domestic and international topics of this thesis research status are reviewed.

   The second part of local government financing platform Analysis, Mainly introduction from the following three aspects of the pattern of local government financing platform, the scale of financing local government financing platforms, the financing structure of local government financing platform. And financing structure focuses on the June 2009-June 2011 survey of 246 local government financing platform.

   The third part of local government financing platform risk analysis, firstly introduce local government financing platform, and then analysis land financial risks, debt repayment risk, project risk.

   The fourth part is the management measures of local government financing platform to tackle risks .And then put forward three specific management measures of reducing financial dependence on the land, the establishing of local government accountability, improving the legal system of local government bonds.

  The fifth part is the conclusion and future prospects, according to the article above analysis results, and then recommend local government financing platform risk management measures, and make predictions local government financing platform for the future development.

   In this paper, the analysis of local government financing platform situation and risk status, noted that the current existence of local government financing platform specific risks, standing angle of government programs aimed at preventing and eliminating financing of local government financing platform risks.

Keywords: local government financing platform;Risk; Management


上传会员 你好,学长 对本文的描述:本文在前人研究的基础上,通过对地方政府融资平台现状和风险现状进行分析,指出目前地方政府融资平台存在的具体风险,站在政府项目角度有针对的防范和化解融资的地方政府融资......
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