
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:你好,学长 更新时间:2013-11-20
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关键词 网络经济;宿迁市;第三产业;经济发展;网络信息化


Abstract:Network economy is a kind of information as the basis of a special form of economy this new economic form positive impact on the socio-economic and people's lives at great speed. Pay more attention to the role of the network information of the network economy, the social and economic development need to increase investment in network information. With the changing times, China's tertiary industry has become a pillar of national economic development, the tertiary industry plays an increasingly important role in national economic development. Suqian City of tertiary industry in the economic development of the Suqian City, is significantly disadvantaged, to participate in market competition uncompetitive study one of the reasons is that slower Suqian tertiary industry information construction. This article is based on the overall state of the industry in Suqian Suqian tertiary industry analysis, the perspective of the network information visits, I hope to play a role in Suqian City, the future economic health.

Keywords  network economy  Suqian City  the tertiary industry  economic development Network information




上传会员 你好,学长 对本文的描述:本文基于对宿迁市第三产业的整体状况分析,以信息化视角对宿迁市第三产业进行分析,期望对宿迁市未来经济产业格局的调整以及经济发展起到借鉴作用。......
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