
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:好久不见 更新时间:2013-11-29
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关键词 产品升级;经济效益;优化结构;品牌效益


Abstract:Textile products have been in the trade occupies certain proportion, especially in China's exports accounted for a large, internationally, the creation of green trade barriers on textile product influence is very big, so we see in textile product exports increasing at the same time, to avoid the green trade barriers, and in recent years, the textile industry is affected by the international and domestic factors, its survival and development has received a serious test. Especially in 2008, to accelerate yuan appreciation, monetary policy tightening, production costs and labor costs rise, rising energy prices, the United States subprime mortgage crisis has triggered a global financial crisis and weakening demand.

   In this paper, on the basis of customs statistical data, combining theory with practice, to explore China's textile industry in recent years and Wuxi textile industry status quo and existing problems, and from the enterprise itself and the government of Wuxi countermeasures are put forward on the green trade barriers, make the textile industry in our country to adapt to the international environment, wuxi textile industry the green sustainable development.

Keywords  Product upgrades   Economic benefits    Structural Improvement   Brand Benefit







上传会员 好久不见 对本文的描述:根据本文研究的内容,为了更好地对问题进行剖析,本文利用了理论分析与数据分析相结合的方法,对绿色贸易壁垒和其对纺织业的经济效益影响。本文在全国和无锡纺织业现状的基础......
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