
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:好久不见 更新时间:2013-11-29
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关键词 引用外资;对外贸易;产业结构;产品类型


Abstract:Reference to foreign investment and foreign trade exists and its close relationship, and nantong as a strong city in economy, the reference of foreign capital and foreign trade's achievements we are obvious to all, to the reform and open policy, the reference of foreign capital and foreign trade have greatly ascend. But since the financial crisis, the reference of foreign capital and foreign trade has been in a tepid condition, on the reference of foreign capital even has not appeared the situation, so we must study nantong references of foreign investment and foreign trade present situation and problems, through targeted research references for nantong foreign capital and foreign trade road, nantong at all levels, break them one by one, to nantong refer to foreign investment and foreign trade to provide a better environment, make more choose nantong this piece of land for investment, foreign early realization of national positioning of nantong north wing of Yangtze river delta economic center. This paper is mainly aimed at nantong refer to foreign investment and foreign trade development present situation; Nantong reference to the existing problems in the development of foreign investment and foreign trade; Reasonable reference to foreign capital and countermeasures to promote the development of nantong foreign trade this three aspects to analysis.

Keywords :Reference of foreign capital       Foreign trade       Industrial structure  The product type




上传会员 好久不见 对本文的描述:分析我们看出引用外资和对外贸易对南通经济又很大的促进作用,比如提供就业岗位、促进经济结构趋向合理化、促进私企发展、加快城市化进程。但同时也具有一些弊端,南通市要改......
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