
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:莉雅 更新时间:2013-12-07
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Abstract:The textile industry has become a major export sector of China and the exports of which occupies more than 50% every year. The textile business is an important part of the national economy. But with the development of the economic globalization and trade liberalization, the textile industry suffers from more and more trade barriers. And the antidumping is the common procedure of trade barriers. During these years,many countries use the means of antidumping to hamper the expansion of Chinese textile industry for the rapid development in foreign trade of this industry. Therefore, how to make full use of the WTO antidumping rules, avoid antidumping effectively and protect their own interests availably have been a prominent problem in Chinese textile trade. The essay which is based on the related theories of antidumping and the combination with the features of the textile industry analyses the current situation of antidumping. Then it elaborates the reasons for antidumping in textile industry in details and the influence on the textile industry by antidumping. Lastly, according to the analysis above, I provide some solutions and suggestions which are from three perspectives---- government, companies and chambers of commerce for the response to antidumping in textile industry.

Key Words:The filed of textile; Anti-dumping; present situation; measures


上传会员 莉雅 对本文的描述:分析了我国纺织业面临的反倾销现状,然后具体阐述了我国纺织业频繁遭遇反倾销的原因,以及反倾销对我国纺织行业带来的影响,最后根据以上分析,从政府企业行业协会三个层面,......
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