
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:大耳朵 更新时间:2013-12-13
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关键字:恶俗广告   经营者  广告创意人员  媒介  社会大众  政府


Abstract: As the development of market economy, Advertising and information dissemination as a means of promotion is receiving increasing attention and application of business, celebrity ads more advertisers who are of all ages. All sorts of advertisements are full of our everyday life. When some excellent ads promote our products, they also brought huge advantage to consumer; however, there are a good deal of rule advertising congest our life,So that bring the great negative impact to social culture. In this paper, the performance of the idea of advertising rules form, harm, the forming reason and discusses how to avoid to reveal the nature of the nasty advertising phenomenon. Finally it puts forward some measures to curb rule advertising and Suggestions, reduce and avoid the appearance of nasty ads.

Keywords: Rule Advertising;; Operators: Advertising creative personne: Media: Public: The government




上传会员 大耳朵 对本文的描述:本文对恶俗广告的概念、表现形式、危害、形成原因及如何避免进行了探讨,以揭示恶俗广告现象的本质,最后就遏制恶俗广告提出一些措施和建议,减少和避免恶俗广告的出现。......
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