
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:大耳朵 更新时间:2013-12-13
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关键词:国家助学贷款 风险补偿机制 个人信用


Abstract:  National student loans are the major decisions through which the CCP and the State Council can carry out the strategy of promoting country with science and education and quicken talents to foster. Besides, it enables excellent youth with economic difficulties to study further. During the ten years' implement of national student loans, it not only improves the university students of the Student Financial Assistance Policy System but also solves the problem that poor students can receive an education. Nevertheless, there is a very big hidden danger in its development. In the face of the contradiction between policy objective and commercial operation, national student loans have the fear of higher risks and costs as well as the obstruction of moral hazard. What's worse, national student loan itself have imperfections. For the above problems, people can establish marketing credit concept to improve the efficiency of student loans. Meanwhile, people may set up and strengthen the strategies and compensation mechanism of national student loans. In this way, its individual credit system can be sound and the study-loan policy will meet its expectations.

Keywords:  National Student Loan; Risk compensation mechanism; Personal credit 




上传会员 大耳朵 对本文的描述:通过树立市场化的信贷理念,来提高助学贷款的效率,同时建立和加强国家助学贷款风险的应对策略和补偿机制,使国家助学贷款的个人信用体系得到健全,使国家助学贷款工作达到预期的目......
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