
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:没有人懂我 更新时间:2014-01-03
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关键词:沿海  化工园区  环境


Abstract: Jiangsu coastal areas are the relatively undeveloped areas among the developed zones in China. At present, a new round of Jiangsu coastal development is still in the construction of infrastructure investment orientation stage. Jiangsu coastal industrial park has a good prospect in the future while it also brings some problems during the process of development. This article makes some research about the coastal economic developing problems, and aims to help these developing coastal areas take the advantage of its location and make full use of labor resource, so as to attract more investors to invest. Only in this way can make Jiangsu coastal economic further develop. At the same time, not only the economic develop but also the environment will be protected with the following methods. 

Keywords: Coastal  Chemical Industrial Park  environment



上传会员 没有人懂我 对本文的描述:本文通过对沿海地区经济发展问题的研究,希望这些研究能够帮助沿海地区不断发挥区位优势,全面提高引资水平,充分利用劳动力资源,使得江苏沿海经济得到持续稳健的发展,同时,......
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