
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:没有人懂我 更新时间:2014-01-03
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关键词:井冈山 红色旅游产业 绿色旅游产业


Abstract: In recent years in jinggangshan tourism industry has achieved great development, but there is also such as tourism resources utilization, scenic environment destruction blindly serious lack of scientific planning, the tourism industry and tourism industry scarce, the tourism industry income structure unreasonable, lack of special tourism products, cultural connotation is not deep, the lack of the excellent talents, financing ability weak, tourism industry development is restricted. The development of the tourism industry in jinggangshan countermeasures to it are: to properly handle tourism industry development and resource carrying capacity, unified planning, the relationship between tourism industrial supporting service function of ascension, adjusting tourism industrial structure, the implementation of tourism product diversification strategy, fully culture mining, strengthen the jobholders, introducing competition mechanism, share-holding system transformation listing and financing. 

Keywords: jinggangshan red tourism industry green tourism industry




上传会员 没有人懂我 对本文的描述:近年来井冈山市依托丰富的旅游资源得到了长足的发展。以红色旅游为主导,绿色旅游为依托的旅游产业对井冈山的经济发展作出了一定的贡献,尽管如此,其旅游产业在开发过程中仍......
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