
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:雨橙 更新时间:2014-01-06
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关键词:物流业  产业关联  投入产出  江苏省


Abstract: This paper uses input-output method, the use of Jiangsu Province, input-output table of 2007 data, research of modern logistics industry in Jiangsu province with the national economy, industry, other industries association between a comprehensive analysis of Jiangsu Province, the development of modern logistics industry status quo, come to the following Conclusion: First, the logistics industry in Jiangsu Province's dependence on the highest level of secondary industry. Second, Jiangsu Modern Logistics industry sectors have great economic development in the leading role. Third, the logistics industry is a type of intermediate inputs and basic industries. Fourth, Jiangsu Province, the development of modern logistics industry and other industries are closely related. Based on the above conclusions to accelerate the development of modern logistics industry of Jiangsu Province should strengthen government guidance and policy control, build a modern logistics platform, standardized market system and train logistics personnel, promoting green logistics channels.

Keywords: logistics industry; industry association; input-output;Jiangsu Province




上传会员 雨橙 对本文的描述:现代物流产业的发展和其他各产业息息相关。根据以上结论提出加快江苏省现代物流业发展应加强政府指导和政策调控、打造现代化的物流平台、规范市场体系、培养物流人才、倡导绿......
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