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资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:单旅寂人 更新时间:2014-02-06
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关键词:冷酸灵 营销策略 现状 问题 改进建议


Abstract:As living standards improve, people began to pursue a healthy life, dental care has become something people do every day. In recent years, the toothpaste industry more competitive. Brutal competition in the market to procure toothpaste industry recognizes the importance of marketing strategies. Marketing strategy planning and implementation for its business development and growth has not underestimate the role. Science effective marketing strategies, improve marketing strategies operating system that can help companies improve operational level marketing strategy, establish famous brand image, enhance core competitiveness.

    In this paper, market research, field practice, empirical analysis and other methods, Chongqing Dencare company Lengsuanling toothpaste marketing strategy product strategy, pricing strategy, distribution strategy, promotion strategy, brand strategy and detailed analysis of the overall situation; reveal Chongqing Dencare company Lengsuanling toothpaste status and existing marketing strategy new product development is slow and low proportion of total sales, and distribution in the channel structure is irrational, the lack of experience in public relations and online marketing single way, a single brand of toothpaste and other issues; proposed accelerate the pace of new product development to improve the product structure, optimize the structure and improve distribution channels distribution rationality, improve public relations and increase the level of online marketing approach, focusing on diversification launched a new brand of toothpaste and other improvement measures and recommendations. Chongqing Dencare company national company as a typical toothpaste brands, Chongqing Dencare company Marketing Strategy, sustainable development of its enterprise itself has some useful insights.

Keywords: Lengsuanling; Marketing Strategy;Actuality; Problem; Recommendations for improvement


上传会员 单旅寂人 对本文的描述:本文采用市场调查、现场实践、实证分析等方法,对重庆登康公司冷酸灵牙膏市场营销策略的产品策略,价格策略,分销策略,促销策略,品牌策略整体情况进行细致分析;揭示了重庆......
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