
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:单旅寂人 更新时间:2014-02-06
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名人广告有其独特的优势,配合企业优质的产品获得的是一种成功的营销方式,为企业带来不可估量的利益。当然,并不是所有的名人广告都一定会对企业的产品和品牌带来积极的能量和作用,甚至可能为企业和本身的产品带来无法估量的风险,其效应具有两面性,是一把双刃剑,如能得到恰当的运用理所当然为企业带来利益,但若运用失当就会事与愿违给企业带来风险和损失。譬如滥用名人、名人品德不良引起形象危机、名人形象与企业不符、虚假广告、缺乏广告创意、注意力错位等都会存在一定的风险。本文将通过对名人广告效用的具体分析,探讨并针对其可能存在的风险提出应对风险并正确运用名人广告的对策和措施。关键词:名人广告  营销  效应  风险   对策与措施


Abstract:Since reform and opening, advertising industry in China is developing very rapidly, enterprises in order to enhance the brand awareness, more and invite some celebrities tend to do the spokesperson, the enterprise is able to get what you want through celebrity advertising desired effect is the key. With celebrity celebrity advertising is very attractive to allowing companies to obtain the consumer's attention and recognition, but also by virtue of the visibility of celebrities to increase their visibility, good for shaping the neck to get a good corporate image and advertising campaign have great benefits, in improving the competitiveness of enterprises but also to enhance and promote product sales of strategic value.

   Today's society, the development of the socialist market economy of China's advertising industry provides a very good market opportunities and good opportunities, celebrity advertising began to attract the attention of Chinese enterprises and gradually increase brand awareness as a universal form of advertising in all walks of life within the widely recognized and used. Celebrity advertising has its unique advantages, with enterprises to obtain high-quality products is a successful marketing approach for enterprises to bring immeasurable benefits. Of course, not all celebrity ads will surely be the company's products and brands to bring positive energy and action, and may even products for businesses and their incalculable risks, and its effect has two sides, is a double-edged sword, if they can get the proper use of natural benefits for the enterprise, but if the use of misconduct would be counter to the enterprise risks and losses. For example, abuse of celebrities, celebrity image crisis caused by bad moral character, celebrities and corporate image does not match, false advertising, lack of creative, attention will be misplaced, etc. There is a certain risk. This will be through a specific celebrity advertising effectiveness analysis, to explore and against its possible risks and correctly apply the proposed risk response strategies and measures celebrity advertising.

Keywords: Celebrity Ads  Marketing  Effect  Risk  Countermeasures


上传会员 单旅寂人 对本文的描述:本文将通过对名人广告效用的具体分析,探讨并针对其可能存在的风险提出应对风险并正确运用名人广告的对策和措施。关键词:名人广告 营销 效应 风险 对策与措施......
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