
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:单旅寂人 更新时间:2014-02-06
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转换比率:金额 X 10=金币数量, 例100元=1000金币 论文字数:20484
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关键词:团购网站  市场营销  QQ团购  问题  对策


ABSTRACT:Domestic group purchase site since the first half of 2010 into the line of sight of people, and has become an important part of electronic commerce, group purchase site since the time of emergence, the dealer Repeng, started the group purchase network poineering upsurge, in the industry for a time, "a thousand regiments" unusually unpopular scene, however, due to various reasons, the industry has many problems, which led to the first half of the "group purchase closures in 2011". The rapid decline and then to steady development since 2012 from the rapid development, there are still many problems of group purchase industry limited, therefore, analysis the development of group purchase industry, summarizes the development of industry, and puts forward the countermeasures has become the key to the development of the industry.

    Based on the QQ group purchase as the research object, by using knowledge of marketing and management, combined with the literature and data, starting from the definition, development and influence of group purchase website, combined with the Chinese group purchase website industry background, has carried on the summary and the analysis of existed in the QQ group purchase group purchase website as an example of the problems in the process of development, and put forward relevant countermeasures according to the problems, this paper using theories to guide practice, draws the conclusion, and sums up the whole thesis. This study aims to promote the development of group purchase website, and provide optimization and normative recommendations for the development of group purchase industry. This thesis is divided into six chapters.

Keywords: Group buying;Marketing;QQ group buying;Problems;Countermeasures


上传会员 单旅寂人 对本文的描述:本文以QQ团购为研究对象,运用市场营销学及管理学的相关知识,结合主要文献及数据,从团购网站的定义、发展及影响出发,结合中国团购网站的发展现状,对以QQ团购为例的团购网站......
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