
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:皇家戏子 更新时间:2014-02-17
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Abstract:With China's implementation of the strategy of sustainable development, especially of the party sixteen third, Fourth Plenary Session on the development of circular economy puts forward to make clear a requirement, resources recycling industry by government departments at all levels attach great importance to. " CPC Central Committee on national economic and social development Eleventh Five Year Plan" and suggestions presented to emphasize, vigorously develop renewable resource industry, it is to solve our country resource shortage problem effectively. However, China's renewable resources market is dominated by a large number of small scale family workshop-style non-standard management main body, industry grows lag, long-term in the initial stage of development, and too much attention to short-term economic behavior. In practice the scientific outlook on development, continue to deepen the construction of the socialist market economy background, it is necessary to study from theory and practice of renewable resources industry in China the existing problems and puts forward the corresponding suggestions. This article through to the domestic and foreign development of renewable resources industry and the situation of foreign developed countries and the use of renewable resources industry development experience, for our use of renewable resources industry development status and problems, proposed the corresponding measures, and promote the development of renewable resources industry, which for China's GDP growth has important practical significance.

Key words:Renewable resource utilization;Industry development ;Experience learning ;Environmental protection


上传会员 皇家戏子 对本文的描述:本文通过对国内外再生资源产业发展现状的论述以及国外发达国家再生资源利用产业发展的经验借鉴,对于我国再生资源利用产业发展中的现状与问题,提出相应的措施,进而促进再生......
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