
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:刘教授 更新时间:2014-02-23
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ABSTRACT:In the rapid development of market economy and the increasingly fierce market competition today, brand is becoming more and more important, has gradually become an important tool for a company to occupy the market. As people the improvement of material life, xuanwei ham is a time-honored brand is becoming more and more widely, but the xuanwei ham is still facing many problems in terms of brand, the brand benefit remains to be improved. Brand strategy is the enterprise important means of competition, enterprises only create a lasting advantage brand, build rich xuanwei ham culture, reasonable use of brand strategy can make is in an impregnable position. The xuanwei ham as part of the food industry, is closely related to human material life needs, therefore, in this era of brand competition, xuanwei ham companies more should pay attention to food safety and brand strategy research. Analysis from the present situation of xuanwei ham brand management, through the establishment of information related to government support and support and strategy research, give full play to the guidance of the government, service and support functions, raise awareness of the brand strategy of xuanwei ham, the progressive realization of xuanwei ham brand market promotion and advertising, and ultimately achieve the purpose of its product sales. 

Keywords: Xuanwei ham;brand management;current situation;The brand strategy




上传会员 刘教授 对本文的描述:从宣威火腿品牌经营的现状分析,通过与政府的相关支持和建立信息支持等策略的研究,充分发挥政府的指导、服务及扶持职能,提高宣威火腿的品牌战略意识,逐渐实现宣威火腿的品......
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