
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:失去才懂珍惜 更新时间:2014-03-02
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关键词:品牌  城市品牌  渠县


Abstract:In present market economy condition, the development of city more and more faces from all levels of the opportunities and challenges. In order to break through the predicament of city development, enhancing the competitiveness of the city, many city have started to use city marketing strategy. Actively explored in China more and more city is city brand building and brand building. For example, Hangzhou city as the "leisure", organized by the World Leisure Expo, the annual session of the West Lake Expo, the "live in Hangzhou" city brand development strategy and received a certain effect. Small and medium-sized city more also began to actively operating city brand. This paper based on the theory of city brand, through the analysis of the Sichuan Quxian County city brand building and communication status, at the same time, through the analysis of the city brand construction and dissemination of the Sichuan Quxian County problems, countermeasures and suggestions are put forward for the Sichuan Quxian County brand building and communication science, and then improve the city brand awareness, inject vitality into the city development.

Keywords: brand; brand of City; Quxian


上传会员 失去才懂珍惜 对本文的描述:本文基于城市品牌建设与传播理论的研究,通过渠县城市品牌建设与传播的现状分析研究,提出渠县城市品牌建设与传播的措施,为渠县城市现代化发展纳言献策,为国内中小城市开展......
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