
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:heat000 更新时间:2014-03-24
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关键词:民营 ; 中小企业 ; 融资 ; 温州


Abstract:In regard to promoting the development of natinonal economy,stimulating technological innovation,diversifying the industry structure and providing employment opportunities,,small and medium enterprises(SMEs)play an indispensable role. However,the financing difficulties of SMEs has been a bottleneck restricting its further development.These problems have put a great impact on the sustainble developement of SMEs.Due to the reasons of environment,system and the internal disadvantages of the SMEs, there are still many problems need to be solved in the process of the development of SMEs..To solve the problems,the management system of these enterprises,need to be perfect ,as well as the country's policy. Hence the development of the small and medium sized enterprises will be ensured.

Keywords:Private enterprises ; SMEs ; Financing management ; Wenzhou

上传会员 heat000 对本文的描述:与大企业相比,尽管在规模和实力上有所不及,但是中小企业却有着与生俱来的强烈创新欲望、活力和动力。中小企业源于市场、贴近市场,市场反应敏捷、创新动力强,加之中小企业......
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