
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:heat000 更新时间:2014-03-24
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关键词:汽车制造业,逆向物流 ,经济效益,社会责任


Abstract:This paper has a brief analysis of economic efficiency and social responsibility of the car manufacturer Reverse Logistics:improving customer satisfaction and their own competitiveness;reducing production costs, improving economic efficiency;to improve enterprise management system; improving the quality of the car and promoting new product development;protecting our environment, conserving resources, and enhancing corporate social responsibility;the social responsibility of government laws and regulations;promoting green logistics development in China, promoting China's sustainable development process.According to the above analysis the paper raises some  corresponding measures on China's automobile manufacturing enterprise implementation of reverse logistics.

Key words: automobile industry ;Reverse Logistics ;Economic benefit ;social responsibility

上传会员 heat000 对本文的描述:本文将给汽车逆向物流做如下定义:汽车逆向物流是一个对汽车产品实行从下游回到上游的物流活动,以满足顾客需求与保护环境、节约资源为目的而进行的将不符合顾客要求的、损坏......
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