
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-25
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Abstract: Private enterprises have made great contributions to our economy. But the development of these enterprises has been limited because of the flow of talents. How to maintain the stability of talents has became a key issue in management. Nowadays, people concern more and more about compensation. It is playing an important role in business management because it is an effective incentive, and it can influence workers’ satisfaction directly. From the perspective of compensation, unreasonable structure of compensation may lead to the flow of talents. Analysis shows that reasonable compensation design and effective management will be an important way to attract talents. This article will take Wuxi Evermaster Vehicle Co. Ltd. for example. From the angle of the relationship between compensation design and stability of talents, this article will analyze the problems in the compensation design system of Wuxi Evermaster Vehicle Co. Ltd., and the article will give some solutions to this company based on how to maintain the stability of talents.

Key words: Compensation; Compensation Design; Stability of Talents; Private Enterprises

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:本文的目的主要在于通过薪酬设计与人才稳定的关系入手,分析研究有哪些因素能够影响薪酬设计,深入研究薪酬设计人才稳定的因果关系,运用薪酬这个有效杠杆为民营企业吸纳人才......
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