
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:soso 更新时间:2014-04-25
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关键词:金融危机 货币政策 货币政策的实施效果


Abstract:As a means of government's macro-regulation, the effectiveness of monetary policy in the economic crisis has been the focus of academic debate. 

   In August 2007, American subprime crisis erupted, and spread to the world, evolving into financial crisis which affected countries all over the world. Faced with the global financial crisis, the Chinese government took a series of effective monetary policy in order to save the economy. This paper studies the implementation and the effects of monetary policy in China during the financial crisis as well as the insufficient after the financial crisis, striving to explore the effectiveness of monetary policy. 

   The paper argues that the moderate looser monetary policy the Chinese government had taken in this financial crisis is effective to the economic recovery. Of course, there also exist some deficiencies after the implementation of monetary policy which also faces a series of challenges. Through studying the above questions the paper puts forward relevant suggestions for the improvement of monetary policy.

Keywords: financial crisis; monetary policy; implementation effect of monetary policy

上传会员 soso 对本文的描述:中国到底实施了哪些货币政策?这些货币政策对我国的经济复苏到底起了怎样的作用?在促进经济复苏的同时这些货币政策是否对经济体存在负面的影响?金融危机后我国实施货币政策......
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