
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:qiaohao 更新时间:2014-04-28
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Abstract:In 2008 the outbreak of the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis triggered a global financial crisis, China's economy under the impact of the financial crisis to some extent by the impact of the economic downward trend, for which the central bank implemented a loose monetary policy to keep our sustained and healthy economic development. In the implementation process, the loose monetary policy to some extent  achieved the desired results, promoting economic growth, but on the other hand caused some negative effects, caused prices to rise, the economy is facing inflationary pressure. Firstly, the financial crisis and monetary policy were interpreted. Then a detailed exposition of  the impact of the crisis on China’s economy was described and the monetary policy by the government to tackle the financial crisis was cited. Then the effects of monetary policy implementation were analyzed through the international experience reference and China’s real economic datas. Also the monetary policy  made  some negative effects , so the article analyzed its causes and  then proposed some policy recommendations to improve the defects in order to promote effective and full implementation of monetary policy.

Keywords:  financial crisis, the loose monetary policy, implementation results

上传会员 qiaohao 对本文的描述:随着货币政策实施的深入,货币政策对于我国经济刺激的实效性、持久性成为当下研究讨论的热点,同时由于我国经济结构的深层矛盾,该项货币政策产生了一些消极影响,在一定程度......
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