
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-01
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关键词:金融全球化  外资银行  本土银行  影响


ABSTRACT: In the current context of financial globalization, more and more foreign banks entering China. Since 2006, China's full liberalization of the financial industry, to give national treatment to foreign banks RMB business has been fully open outside. The entry of foreign banks will challenge China's banking sector and the formation of a heavy competitive pressure, and China's financial and economic impact of significant and far-reaching. Face the huge impact of foreign banks, domestic banks must clearly understand the characteristics of competitors through continuous study and learn and constantly improve their competitiveness in the fierce competition to retain and expand market share. This paper describes the development of foreign banks in China and characteristics of foreign banks on the Chinese Banking Industry, and China in the future competition in the banking industry to obtain in the development of recommendations. 

Keywords: foreign banks; financial globalization; banking; impact

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:了解我国银行业发展中面临的问题和困难。进而在此基础上,制定出我国本土银行面对外资银行发展带来的挑战,应该采取的什么样的应对措施以确保我国银行业的安全健康运行,对我......
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