
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-01
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关键词:标准限制 农产品出口 绿色贸易壁垒


ABSTRACT: With the development of agriculture, associated with the world's agriculture will further enhance the growing complexity of international trade of agricultural environment, Export trade of agricultural products in China is also facing many challenges. Many countries while strengthening to support the protection of domestic agriculture, strengthening competition on the international market, they are more and more use of the Standard trade barriers the control of agricultural products into their markets. The research of this subject has a very important practical significance, the pressure will have an incentive to national Standard trade barriers frequency environment, China's agricultural products are not only in the forced state, our agricultural producers should have the foresight timely adjust their strategic decision to increase their competitive ability to make agricultural products in overseas markets in various countries to unite into a wall, stand firm.

   Therefore, this paper first proposed Standard trade barriers,and then analyze the problem, analyze the impact of Standard trade barriers on China's agricultural exports, mainly analyzed in two ways: first, the analysis of Standard trade barriers on the adverse effects of agricultural exports; second Standard trade barriers favorable impact on exports of agricultural products. Which mainly focus on the analysis of adverse effects? The third part of the said changes in Standard trade barriers measures will affect the trend of China's agricultural products exports, Part IV for the design of appropriate countermeasures concluded.

Keywords:Standard restriction;The exports of agricultural products;The green trade barrier

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:随着对农产品出口产业的限制的研究逐渐加深,国内外学者们提出了了很多对策来对应对农产品出口的限制,如对企业的生产线的改造、技术更新、检测认证、供应链管理等方面的优化......
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