
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:禹珊 更新时间:2014-05-01
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关键词:农产品 供应链  超市


ABSTRACT:With China's economic develop rapidly, China's urban residents consumption level increase rapidly, the transition from a well-off type to the rich, in terms of reference factors of purchase of agricultural products, convenience is paying more and more attention to food safety, nutrition and processing; in the purchase of the choice of location is also becoming more attention to save time, buy convenient, fast; in the consumer psychology is also more and more attention and trust the well-known brand, brand consumption has become a trend. Traditional agricultural products circulation pattern, the difference between demand to buy live in fresh supply chain and the urban residents of agricultural products is also growing, in the context of this supermarket has become more and more consumers are important places to buy household products, it also provide realistic basis for the establishment of agricultural supply chain supermarket as the center the, is the supermarket management of agricultural products prospect is huge, I believe that in the near future, the supermarket as the center of the agricultural products supply chain will become the mainstream of the management of agricultural products. In this process a simple research on China's current agricultural products supply chain model characteristics, after the discovery of the advantages and disadvantages, some problems existing in our country's agricultural products in supply chain. Then proposed the establishment of the supply chain of agricultural products in supermarkets as the center of the construction have what advantage or meaning, then proposed the establishment of the supply chain of agricultural products in the supermarket as the center of the strategy. 

Keywords:the agricultural products ;supply chain;supermarket 

上传会员 禹珊 对本文的描述:所以建立以超市为中心的农产品供应链就是针对这种对高质量的农产品需求的一种解决方案,而且可以利用超市购物的便利性提高农产品的销售,与此同时对于进入超市的农产品的要求......
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