
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:julu1004 更新时间:2014-05-10
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Abstract:In December 2009, the European debt crisis erupted in its constant spread and upgrade of the evolution of the process, the European debt crisis in the euro exchange rate fluctuations of the enormous influence, the euro depreciating, and to the RMB exchange rate dropping. Euro depreciation not only cause international hot money inflow, and to our country financial stability and economic security produce certain harm, also directly affecting China's export to Europe and domestic capital investment to the enthusiasm. This article mainly from the European debt crisis to the formation of the background, reasons, this paper mainly discusses the debt crisis of the present situation of the euro exchange rate fluctuations, and through the analysis of the euro against the RMB exchange rate movements, the euro depreciation that out to our country economy brings about many effects, in view of the European debt crisis also in the increasingly fierce facts, and the euro exchange rate of the yuan also at the whole down trend, our country must keep a wary eye on the deleterious effects of at the same time, increase China's claims hold way to take corresponding measures to solve the problems of the trade, and improve the international currency business.

Key Words: The euro, trends, our country, influence, countermeasures

上传会员 julu1004 对本文的描述:尽管欧洲联盟和国际货币基金组织共同拿出大批的救助资金来稳定欧元,可是金融市场仍动荡不安,欧元也继续贬值。这场危机是从希腊开始的,可是现在却威胁到其他使用欧元的国家......
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