
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:julu1004 更新时间:2014-05-10
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关键词: 奢侈品  中国市场  发展战略


Abstract:With the development of economic, People's quality of life have improved greatly. In addition to solve the problem of food, People set more and more high requirements to shelter and food. It is possible to purchase international top luxury. Recently, Luxury which was once regarded as noble products become popular and has great influence in china market. Foreign luxury companies in recent years beginning to pay attention to the Chinese market, and they hope to open the Chinese market. Though China itself has a luxury brand, relative to the developed countries, they need to develop in the future. Understanding foreign luxury brands in the world how development in China, can provide valuable experience for domestic market. This paper will research foreign companies in China to luxury market situation, consumer constitute, marketing channels to analyze their in the Chinese market competitiveness. And with China's luxury brands compare, it put forward to enhance the competitiveness of local luxury strategy. 

Key Words:Luxury goods    China Market   Development strategy

上传会员 julu1004 对本文的描述:奢侈品相当受发展中国家消费者欢迎,纷纷因此而在经济衰退中依旧盈利。中国发展迅速,千万富豪如雨后春笋般涌现出来。根据胡润调查发现,在2010年里,中国富豪的消费指数上涨......
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