
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:巧乐兹 更新时间:2014-05-19
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关键词  零售业;顾客忠诚度;提升策略


Abstract:Since the 1980 s, along with the competition between retail industry and the development of internationalization, the one-sided emphasis on winning new customers becomes increasingly transaction marketing theory limitations. Started marketing idea to a big change, from the market share competition into to maintain existing customers, by trying to maximize existing customer life cycle value and benefits for long-term stability of the retail industry. 

   Transformation of marketing thought, make more and more enterprises realize that: compared with the development of new customers, retaining old customers has a lower cost. Companies began attaches great importance to the customer loyalty, and customer loyalty cultivation.This paper put forward the customer loyalty measurement method, and by measuring found that the current problems are as follows: Xuzhou lotus supermarket customer's fluidity is big but loyalty is low. And then analyzes why the customer loyalty is low, it finally puts forward some promotion strategies to improve customer loyalty. 

Keywords  Retail industry  Customer loyalty  Promotion strategy

上传会员 巧乐兹 对本文的描述:无论是国外登陆的零售企业还是国内本土的零售业,想要得到长足的发展就必须得到顾客的认可,就必须抓住顾客的内心,有针对性地制定营销策略,树立企业的品牌形象,提高自身的......
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