
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:巧乐兹 更新时间:2014-05-19
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关键词 营销人员;忠诚度;江苏联搏


Abstract:Jiangsu Lianbo Engineering Co., Ltd., is a well-known enterprises in the field of construction and decoration industries in China, which established in 1992, is a collection of home improvement work (public) installed one of the specialized decorative design company and currently employs more than 200 people, including50 marketing staff, an excellent marketing staff often become the object of various enterprises competing to hire the talent market demand for senior marketing professionals, many executive search firm in competing out attractive conditions to capture excellent marketing personnel, marketing personnel familiar with the marketing environment, to know a lot of dealers and customers, and have a lot of client resources, these are survival and on which to develop the necessary conditions. The majority of enterprises are still not the risk of marketing personnel as a system to be considered and the establishment of the appropriate the marketers risk management system, result, many enterprises are facing the danger of loss or even bankruptcy, and to retain talent, Jiangsu associated risk should be based on marketing personnel characteristics and specific situation of enterprises, contrast and learn from the experience of other building decoration companies marketing staff loyalty management, internal comprehensive research and practical understanding of the marketing staff satisfaction and expectations of their business, to identify cause the industry marketing staff loyalty is low and the high turnover rate of the phenomenon of the reasons put forward and developed a series of line with the strategy of the enterprise and industry characteristics laws to enhance the marketing staff loyalty, discusses the importance of marketing staff loyalty management in the construction industry enterprises with urgency.

    The research on the theory and practice of marketing staff loyalty has a positive role in promoting the corporate culture of employee loyalty has a far-reaching and important guarantee for the survival and development of enterprises, in order to realize the enterprise and its employees win-win situation.

Keywords  marketing personnel  Loyalty  Jiangsu Lianbo

上传会员 巧乐兹 对本文的描述:本文在充分总结和借鉴国内外研究结果的基础上,根据江苏联搏工程有限公司营销人员流失的现状,归纳出影响员工忠诚度的因素,对员工忠诚度下降的原因进行分析,并根据相关理论......
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