
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:巧乐兹 更新时间:2014-05-19
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关键词  医药品;STP分析;4R理论;学术推广


Abstract:Since the 1990s, especially after the reform and opening up to the recent years, a number of medical reform, China's pharmaceutical industry from production, sales, distribution in various fields are the major changes. The beginning of the 21 century, the state promulgated a series of laws and regulations that regulate the pharmaceutical market, the traditional pharmaceutical marketing model should take a turn.

   Of modern marketing theory and professional academic promotion theory expounded briefly summarize the concept of specialization academic promotion, in-depth study of marketing theory from 4P, 4C and 4R theory development process. " Qingweike " market environment, the macro and micro environment analysis SWOT analysis and marketing analysis, pointed out that" Qingweike "in the current marketing environment strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats, 4R theory to develop marketing strategies for product promotion, outreach programs developed on the basis of existing research and 4R strategy at this stage.

   Finally, through the analysis of " Qingweike "strategy and outreach programs, combined with China's medical system and pharmaceutical marketing environment to give useful recommendations on the company's brand-building, academic promotion. I hope through this study to provide some help for the "Qingweike" in the area of marketing campaigns.

Keywords  Pharmaceuticals  The STP analysis  4R  the academic promotion

上传会员 巧乐兹 对本文的描述:近年来,我国进行了多次医疗制度的改革,医药卫生事业发展取得了显著成就,已经基本形成了覆盖城乡的医药卫生服务体系,疾病防治能力不断增强,国家医保和农保已基本覆盖全国......
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