
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:fuyifan 更新时间:2014-05-23
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摘  要: 对外开放是我国为了发展国家经济,提高人民生活质量的的必要措施。实施对外开放的政策不是国家随随便便就确定的,而是经过深思熟虑过的。同时它的实施也是根据别国的对外开放的经验和经济发展规律所决定的。



关键词:对外开放  经济危机  经济发展


ABSTRACT:The development of an open economy is so important for our country’s economy, which can help us to develop our speed of economy’s grow. This policy can make people’s life wonderful. China is not make this policy just for fun, it’s after the government think all kinds of results for opening to the outside world. What’s more we decide to carry out this policy before we learn some experience from other country which is benefit from the policy of open economy and we just follow the rules of the development of economy.    

   For the years of open economy to the outside world,our economy is highly developed. Especially the east of China, which can prove the choice of open economy is right. However, we lose the balance of the economy ‵s development. In order to balance our economy and make our country to prosperous, we must study the relationship between open economy and development of economy. And  to make this clear we must analysis the effective factors of this relationship.

   In order to let us know more about the relationship of open economy and the development of economy , I use the EVIEWS  to built the model about the GDP、Employment、Imports and exports and the rate of economic growth. To let these model clearly ,I fund some models on the foundation of the data which is from years of  1997 to 2011.

Keywords:open economy ;the risk of economy ;the development of economy

上传会员 fuyifan 对本文的描述:发展中国家在进入国际市场的组织中会受到不少的打击和损失,但是比起我国实行对外开放后的经济发展状况,实行对外开放的利总的来说是大于弊 的。一个国家要发展自己的经济就必......
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