“绿鞋”机制在中国IPO市场的应用研究--以农业银行IPO为例 .doc

资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:sana0722 更新时间:2014-06-07
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关键词: 中国农业银行,IPO,“绿鞋”机制,应用研究


Abstract:As the last one listed in China's large state-owned banks, the Agricultural Bank of China can be said to tempt the market appetite, from inception to the official listing of nearly sixty years of painstaking exploration of several setbacks, several reform of state-owned specialized banks, and finally entered a joint-stock commercialBank ranks. As a wrap up of joint-stock reform of state-owned banks, Agricultural Bank of China IPO so far still many investors talked about, reason, not the second: First, the significance of the Agricultural Bank of China IPO, be regarded as "China for many years a milestone "in the process of banking reform, the Agricultural Bank of China IPO shoulder the mission of their own development but also face it the burden of the national banking reform, past and ABC IPO is far-reaching; ABC of the IPO on the capital market impact of ABC IPO is the inspiration of the "green shoe" mechanism on the road of China's large enterprises IPO. Now when the peace of mind to review ABC's IPO road, then ABC is not listed on the first day of the poor performance of boos, nor is it ABC "break" after the laughter, but to rethink the China Banking the hardships of the road to reform and "green shoe" mechanism and the associated mechanisms in the Chinese IPO market enlightenment. This article from this perspective, once again focused the Agricultural Bank of China IPO to explore the events and the application of the IPO mechanism.

Key Words:Agricultural Bank of China IPO, mechanisms, Applied Research

上传会员 sana0722 对本文的描述:从融资方面看,当公司希望进一步发展或者偿债时需要筹集更多的资金,而有时这些资金比较难从银行或其他投资者手中获得,或者公司自身利润再投资还不够用,此时,IPO则为公司提......
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