
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:sana0722 更新时间:2014-06-07
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关键词:农村商业银行 信贷风险 原因分析 对策


Abstract:From rural commercial bank produce the risk is with them. Rural commercial bank and general industry and commerce of the biggest difference is the enterprise rural commercial bank is use client deposits and other borrowed as the main operating funds for the business. the rural commercial Banks as the new forces of Chinese banking system, in tackling financial risk, solve the financing difficulty play in an important role, a careful study in rural commercial bank credit management of the existing problems, find practical improvement measures, to help rural commercial bank to improve the quality of the assets, to speed up the development of the local economy, promote the building of a harmonious society is of great significance.

Keyword: rural commercial bank, credit risk, analysis of causes,          the countermeasure



上传会员 sana0722 对本文的描述:农村商业银行贷款风险是指由于各种不确定性因素的影响,在其经营与管理过程中,使贷款不能按期收回本息,发生实际收益结果与预期收益目标相背离的现象,使银行有遭受资产损失......
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