
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:sana0722 更新时间:2014-06-07
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Abstract:As China’s economy and foreign trade express development, China’s international balance of payments surplus for many years, and the accumulation of foreign reserves is rapid increasing. Appreciation of the RMB under increasing pressure, the RMB exchange rate of China’s economy has not only become a sensitive issue, but also become a focus of international questions. The appreciation on China’s import and export trade thriving in part had a tremendous impact——particularly in Guangdong Province. A long period of time, the province’s exports mainly to the price advantage, to win the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, the United States, European Union and Southeast Asia consumers. However, the appreciation of the RMB, the province’s exports——especially in the textile and apparel goods, the price advantage of much reduced. This paper discusses the internal and external reasons for the appreciation of the RMB, its appreciation to the Textile and garment industry export in Guangdong province, resulted in considerable impact and the corresponding response measures, in order to promote sustainable economic development.

Key Words:Appreciation of the RMB, Textile and garment industry, Coping strategies

上传会员 sana0722 对本文的描述:为全国纺织服装出口最大的省份,广东省纺织服装业进入2008年以来的一些数据令人对今后广东省纺织服装出口的前景产生忧虑:据广州海关的数据,在2007年,广东纺织服装出口的增幅为......
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