
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:sana0722 更新时间:2014-06-07
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摘要:中药配方颗粒是现崛起的现代新型中药,其冲服简单、方便携带等优点,符合现代都市人的生活步调,前景广阔。市场上有许多中药配方颗粒的产品,良莠不齐,导致中药配方颗粒市场需求混乱。“三九医药”身为中药行业的领头,其旗下深圳三九现代中药有限公司是代理研发、生产、推广999单味中药配方颗粒的专业公司。通过分析国内外市场需求现状、我国中药出口贸易现状, SWOT分析法综合分析公司的发展潜力及其问题,为打造信用的产品,更好的销往国内外而做出研究。随着国际化的发展,中药逐渐受到关注,中药配方颗粒适应现代化需求,定能脱颖而出。

关键词: 我国中药,出口贸易,深圳三九现代有限公司


Abstract:Chinese medicinal granules is now the rise of modern new traditional Chinese medicine, its blunt simple, easy to carry, etc., in line with the pace of modern city life and broad prospects. There are many traditional Chinese medicine formula particles of the product on the market, uneven, resulting in granule of Chinese medicine market confusion. “sanjiu medicines” the body for the Chinese native medicine profession lead, it serves under somebody's banner the Shenzhen sanjiu modern Chinese native medicine limited company is the proxy researches and develops, the production, promotes 999 single taste Chinese native medicine formula pellet the specialized company.  Through analyzes the domestic and foreign market demand present situation, our country Chinese native medicine export trade present situation, the SWTO analytic method generalized analysis company's development potential and the question, for the making credit product, a better selling to domestic and foreign makes the research. Along with the internationalization development, the Chinese native medicine receives the attention gradually, the Chinese native medicine formula pellet adaptation modernization demand, decides can fully expose talent.

Key Words:Traditional Chinese medicine in China,Export trade,Shenzhen sanjiu modern limited companies

上传会员 sana0722 对本文的描述:中药配方颗粒被誉为“冲着喝的中药”, 即把传统的中药材进行加工,不保留药材的外形,只提取有效成分后制成颗粒状型,经提取、浓缩、干燥、制粒等工艺制作而成的一种有统一规......
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