
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:sana0722 更新时间:2014-06-07
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Abstract:For the Corporation, the brokerage business is still the main business and the core business.It has played a slight role of situation as a whole.

   With the continuous development of China's securities market,more and more gradual introduction of new services,the more volatile stock market,coupled with the commission to implement a floating system,the securities brokerage industry costs,increasing competition.Especially in the rapid development of information technology,the securities company's operating environment has undergone major changes,so how to grasp the transformation of the securities brokerage business and marketing,to form their own characteristics and brand,making a foothold in the current stock market competition to win the final the victory has become particularly important and is very necessary.

   Based on the domestic status of the securities brokerage business analysis, system integration of the investment brokerage business development,said the brokerage business in the marketing problems.Propose solutions to the brokerage business through the analysis of problems and recommendations,e.g. solve the customers’ problem and meet their need,pay attention to improve the system of the securities brokerage.

Key Word: China Merchants Securities,brokerage,securities sales,market competition

上传会员 sana0722 对本文的描述:本文从招商证券自身的发展情况和环境进行分析,针对公司管理和经纪人机制存在的问题,提出改革的建议和对策,以利于招商证券公司积极应对市场竞争,为投资者提供丰富的理财产......
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