
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:sana0722 更新时间:2014-06-08
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Abstract:Chinese medicine is one of the most brilliant part of our rich national heritage, with the rapid development of international trade, Chinese medicine has also gradually into the international market and occupy a certain market share. This paper will export trade status and development in Guangdong Province, medicine and Chinese medicine in China to explore the problems revealed in the process of development, and the SWOT analysis to identify the advantages and disadvantages of Guangdong Province, pharmaceutical exports, further study of Guangdong provinces pharmaceutical exports will face the challenges and opportunities, it is recommended to strengthen exchanges between domestic and foreign enterprises, organized by the international professional exhibition of Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine awareness and active use of the role of policy, to establish the brand to strengthen intellectual property rights awareness and protection, to promote independent innovation, promote the development of Chinese medicine, the development and continuation of our national heritage for the benefit of human health, Chinese medicine in China in the world to shine.

Key Words:the Chinese medicine of Guangdong,the export trade,status, response measures

上传会员 sana0722 对本文的描述:世界经济继续缓慢复苏,国际医药市场需求稳定,国内医药市场持续较快增长,稳出口、扩进口政策效应继续显现,医药企业整体竞争力进一步提升,新兴医药市场开拓成效明显,产品......
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