
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:sana0722 更新时间:2014-06-08
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Abstract:As the digital capital, Huizhou's electronic information industry play an important role in economic, good momentum of development. Huizhou has been committed to the development of electronic industry, Starting from the electronic industry's major electronics companies rushed to the presence, Huizhou region in the electronic information industry, as many as 290,441 people. Huizhou city hall for the construction of the scientific development benefiting the state implement" reform of the Pearl River Delta region development planning outline". To construct the advanced electronic information manufacturing industry and modern service industry as the mainstay of the modern electronic information industry system, In order to park as the carrier, carried out extensive Pearl River Delta regional cooperation, accelerate shenzhen、dongguan、huizhou’s benefits industry cooperation, Focus on the introduction of Europe and the United States Japan and South Korea and Taiwan and other developed areas of capital and technology, In order to promote the integration of information technology and industrialization, national economy and social informatization as the objective, optimization of Huizhou information industry development environment, The formation of information industry development inside unripe mechanism, build Huizhou into a IT talent gathered, the information industry the vigorous development of the national electronic information industry base.

Key Word:HUIZHOU Electronic information industry   Development    Construction of Technology

上传会员 sana0722 对本文的描述:为了实现“全球电子信息产业基地”的要求和惠州“沿海城市”发展战略,以及电子信息产业阶梯状布局的特点,惠州电子信息产业发展的基本空间规划布局是:惠城区主要承接深圳、......
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