
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:sana0722 更新时间:2014-06-08
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关键词: 汽车零部件,产业,规模经济,技术创新


Abstract:Guangzhou automotive industry has long adhere to the path of development of independent innovation, as the Guangzhou industrial base parts industry, and its healthy development for Guangzhou auto industry since the innovation has an important strategic significance. This article elaborated rely on the rise of Guangzhou auto industry, auto parts industry in Guangzhou has achieved rapid development, however, did not achieve economies of scale, low technical content and the entire spare supporting rate a series of problems such as inadequacy becomes the bottleneck of the development of Guangzhou automobile industry, on this foundation we put forward development of Guangzhou auto parts industry should take the professional, modular, grip two or three class market, eventually embarked on large-scale development of roads.

Key Words:auto parts,industry , scale effect, innovation

上传会员 sana0722 对本文的描述:根据广汽集团的发展规划,未来广汽集团将进一步扩大对外合作,重组商用车业务,加快商用车发展,提高商用车业务的生产规模和综合实力,为实现商用车业务与乘用车、零部件业务......
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