
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:sana0722 更新时间:2014-06-10
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Abstract:As we all know, Dongguan is the world's leading manufacturing base. Electronic information products which had produced in dongguan occupies a considerable share in the international market . However, after the financial crisis, electronic information industry in dongguan not only greet great opportunities, but also face a serious challenges at the same time.This article is based on the situation and problems of transformation and upgrading of dongguan’s electronic information industry, and using the method of SWOT, to analysis the strengths, weakness, opportunities and challenges of the transformation and upgrading  of dongguan’s electronic information industry ,then put forward to the methods and countermeasures of improving investment environment, paying great attention to the talents construction, developing electronic business, expanding the domestic market, creating self brand and  enterprise mergers and acquisitions.

Key words: Dongguan , electronic information industry, transformation and upgrading, enterprise mergers and acquisitions

上传会员 sana0722 对本文的描述:电子信息产业是东莞五大支柱产业之一,是在政府主导下发展起来的典型的移植性产业。东莞电子信息产业产品门类高、零部件齐全,在长期的发展中已具备一定的生产规模和生产能力......
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