
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:sana0722 更新时间:2014-06-10
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关键词: 绿色金融,政策扶持,银行实践,未来展望


Abstract:Sustainable development as the guidance of our social and economic agenda of the industrial structure, China is required to achieve transformation in the development. In the face of industrial upgrading and restructuring under the new situation, the financial services industry to play its role in leading the eco-friendly construction, the important role of scientific development. Green finance such theoretical concepts and innovative development practices in Guangdong Province in full display and played a great role in promoting financial sector development and industrial transformation of the province. Face of the further development and transformation of the future of our province green financial industry, to increase the intensity of the three aspects of government support, financial institutions, business and carbon emissions trading. By promoting the development of green finance in the province, the industrial restructuring in the second Five-Year plan in Guangdong Development Goals escort.

Key Words:Green Financial, Policy Support, Banking Practice, the Future Outlook

上传会员 sana0722 对本文的描述:绿色金融与传统金融两者的共性在于其具体运作都需要政府政策进行驱动。而在特性上,传统金融业在现行政策和“经济人”思想引导下,或者以经济效益为目标,或者以完成政策任务......
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