
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:sana0722 更新时间:2014-06-10
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关键词: 人民币升值,正面影响,负面影响,应对策略


Abstract:Since the people's bank of China announced a RMB based on market supply and demand and the reference package of currencies, a managed floating exchange rate system since the reform, just a few short years, the RMB appreciation had more than two digits. Then, the dollar modest rise gradually, and show appreciation, increased two-way fluctuations unilateral features. On this basis, China's domestic economic structure through certain mechanism is a large degree of influence. And in the long term, the RMB appreciation for China's macroeconomic especially export-oriented economy, the industrial structure, enterprise operation and so on will produce a very profound influence. This paper mainly discusses the appreciation of the renminbi to our country economy the full effect and China should take the countermeasures how to reduce the negative effect to the appreciation of the renminbi.

Keywords:RMB appreciation,positive impact,negative impact,strategy

上传会员 sana0722 对本文的描述:近年来,人民币兑美元汇率一直是一个热门的话题,随着人民币的不断升值,汇率问题也逐渐地受到了越来越多人关注。而这些年来影响人民币升值的本质原因是:进入21世纪以来,全球......
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