
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:乖乖90后 更新时间:2014-06-26
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摘 要:人类的发展离不开能源,为了解决人类面临的能源短缺的问题,同时也为了改善因使用化石能源而被污染的环境,各国政府都在大力发展新能源产业。这其中,直接利用太阳能的光伏产业在近年发展迅速。发展光伏产业,是我国通过新能源建立低碳经济的一部分,因而光伏产业从发展初始就受到了各级政府的大力扶持。但自从美国和欧盟对中国的光伏产品发起双反调查以来,中国光伏产业产品出口危机便愈演愈烈。如果光伏产业因无法顺利度过此次危机而受到严重打击,则意味着中国转变经济发展方式、培育新的经济增长点的战略将失去重要支撑。




ABSTRACT:Human can’t develop without energy resources. To solve the crisis of human resource and the environment polluted by fossil resources,new energy industries are encouraged by governments from all countries. Among the new energy industries, PV industry which takes advantages of solar energy directly has boomed these years. Developing PV industry i spart of China’s strategy to built a low-carbon economy through clean energy. As a result, China’s PV industry has been supported by governments at all levels since its origin. However, the overcapacity crisis of PV products’s export is becoming increasingly serious since several antidumping and countervailing cases raised by the U.S. and EU. If China’s PV industry can’t survive this crisis, China’s strategy to transform the pattern of economic development and to creat new economic growth areas will loss a great support.

   We introduec the status and characteristics of China’s PV industry and point out problems including the continuously decreasing price and greatly dependent on overseas market. These problems universally exist in the export of Chinese PV products. Because the export problems is essentially caused by the crisis happened in domestic PV industry, we analyze some problems existing through PV industrial chain, including overcapacity, irrational structure and serious pollution. Then we focus on Feed-in Tariffs policy in Genmany. We introduce its content and its great impact on the development of Genmany’s PV product market and PV industry. According these, we make some summary that worth learing. At last, according to the problems been pionted out before, we give some that China’s PV industry should not only positively respond to dual action, but also strengthen industry consolidation, adjust the industrial structure and accelerate developing the domestic market.

Keywords: PV industry;export; crisis; notion

上传会员 乖乖90后 对本文的描述:国内光伏产业产能过剩的危机由此被彻底引爆,并且光伏产业发展中的一系列问题也随之暴露。光伏产业的发展是中国转变能源结构,实现可持续发展的重要一环。研究光伏的问题不仅......
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