
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:isis 更新时间:2014-08-13
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关键词:21cake 网络营销 竞争对手 营销策略


ABSTRACT:With the rapid development of the internet,some food companies started to use network marketing to open up a new world.However,compared with other companies,food company is more difficult to develop well under this environment.It is very meaningful to study the network marketing strategy and can be took example for other companies.This paper use the way of literature analysis,personal experience and comparison with other competitors.with the example of 21cake,i analyzed the problem showed in the network marketing,and finally find the deficiency in its design of official website,delivery cost,customer’s experience,network promotion,relation with social platform and digital publicity.Aiming at these problems,the paper has put forward the concrete and flexible suggestion to help its development.  

KEY WORDS:21 cake network marketing competitor marketing strategy

上传会员 isis 对本文的描述:21cake是蛋糕网络营销的领军人物,在将近10年的营销生涯中都只做网络方面的销售,而在名气越来越大的同时它的营销问题也一点点显露出来。作为网络食品营销的领头羊,对21cake进行研......
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