
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:艾薇儿 更新时间:2013-07-10
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Abstract:Today the world has entered the era of economic globalization, with the development of financial globalization, China capital account opening will be the inevitable. On the one hand, the RMB capital project open will give our trade a new opportunity, on the other hand, as the developing of our country, the RMB capital project open will bring the risk to our country, apparently, these risk is not allowed to be ignored, the risk of short-term capital flows, capital flight risk, credit expansion, financial institutions management difficulty to increase risk.

   Under such circumstances, this article is based on the environment of the opening of the capital projects impact on China's overall economic, through the study of risk of the change of RMB exchange rate bring to our country's foreign trade, contact China's development of the actual situation, proposed our country foreign trade risk effectively circumvent the countermeasure and the suggestion, to complete the reform of relevant form a complete set, guard against external impact, strengthen financial supervision, optimize exit product structure, improve the capacity to resist risks, thus further promoting China's foreign trade is fast, stable, healthy development.

Key words: Opening of the capital; foreign trade; exchange rate; risk


上传会员 艾薇儿 对本文的描述:有针对性地提出了有效规避我国外贸风险的对策和建议,即完成相关配套改革、防范外来冲击、加强金融监管、优化出口产品结构、提高抗御风险能力等,从而进一步推动我国对外贸易......
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