
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:诸葛紫岐 更新时间:2013-07-31
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关键词: 网络社交,社区营销,电子商务,网上商城


Abstract:Social networking and e-commerce has become an integral part of Internet users living. Through the social networking platform, e-commerce sites to find new entry points, and to increase direct sales revenue for many companies. Social networking as a means of increasing user viscosity as well as tools to maintain customer loyalty is a lot of e-commerce website optimistic. Point of view of this paper will improve the well-known of Mao Ming MingHu Online Shopping Mall. Around the e-business enterprise multiple requirements, perfect the deficiency of the original site. With the micro blogging platform, close the distance between the enterprise and the consumer. Release information, and initiate activities to improve store awareness. Appropriate to advertise in the micro blogging, virtually commodity marketing to attract users’ attention or further purchase. To build an 'e-commerce + social' model, Take full advantage of the relationship between the two as well as advantages, for the enterprise open new channels of an online community marketing.

Key Words:Social networking,Community Marketing,E-commerce,Online shopping mall


上传会员 诸葛紫岐 对本文的描述:围绕电子商务企业的建站要求,完善原有网站的不足,借助微博平台,拉近企业和消费者间的距离,通过发布信息,发起活动等来提高企业商城知名度,并在微博中适当植入广告,无形......
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