
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:好久不见 更新时间:2013-11-23
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关键词  奥斯丁;小说;电影改编


Abstract:With the development of the times, the relationship between the text and the film is becoming more and more closely. Valuable text provides a rich source for the adaptation of the film, and the film also endows the text with fresh vitality. The adaptation of Jane Austen's Pride And Prejudice, Emma and so on is an example. The film (96 edition 95 edition of Emma, Sense And Sensibility, 99 edition Mansfield Park and the 2005 version of Pride And Prejudice) compared with the original, the four film adaptation of the original, adjustment, such as the theme of the story and plot, character personality and characteristics of the environment the characterization. We analysis of these adaptations of the strengths and weaknesses, and points out that the relationships between text and film. Film should follow the principle of adaptation, the adaptation of the film should not only respect the original and innovative, sustainable development for literature in the foundation of the innovation of content and form. Facing the highly commercialized culture market, we should take a correct attitude towards work of movie and TV commercial value and artistic value, not the blind pursuit of commercial interests, do not give up the film and television works of literary value. We’ll seek common development of both.

Keywords  Austen  novel  film adaptation




上传会员 好久不见 对本文的描述:分析这些改编的优劣之处,并指出文本与电影的关系及电影改编所应遵循的原则。电影的改编既要尊重原著又要有所创新,在创新内容和形式的基础上寻求文学的永续发展。面对高度商......
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