
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:好久不见 更新时间:2013-11-23
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关键词  近十年;爱情歌曲;大学生影响;苏北高校


Abstract:Since China’s Reform and Opening up, especially after the 21st century, economy in China has significantly boomed, and this further results in the remarkable improvement of people’s living standard. More time and money are spent on enriching their spiritual life, and the music industry specific in the theme of love enjoys increasing prosperity thereby. The songs concerning love, be they admirations of beauty of love, delivery of bitterness of being lovesick, or criticizing of the hypocrisy in love, have swept the campus of university and college in the last decade. All these concepts involved in these songs exert an imperceptible influence on students’world outlook, philosophy of love, life and values. The thesis is based on the antecedent achievement, and focuses on the students’ attitude, understanding and expectation towards love music by resort to questionnaires carried out in universities and colleges in the north of Jiangsu province. Starting from the background in which love music exists, the topic is discussed from three aspects—study and daily life, outlook of love, and philosophy of life, and feasible suggestions are proposed for the creators and the audience in the final text. 

Keywords:last decade  love songs  influence over college students  colleges in northern part of Jiangsu




上传会员 好久不见 对本文的描述:当前的爱情歌曲存在不少问题:题材狭窄、恶性趣味、过度重视商业性等,都与弘扬真善美的使命相背离。因此,作为音乐创作者,应谨守职业操守,以创作积极向上的歌曲为己任;作......
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