
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:小美 更新时间:2013-12-26
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关键词:山寨手机; 消费行为; 竞争力;手机营销


Abstract: Recently, the fortress mobile phone becomes hot topic among the people. Through the questionnaire survey to "meets consumer demand, occupy the market, make a profit, and continue to management" for the evaluation standard to roundly expatiated and analyzing Chinese counterfeits "phones marketing model, and the future development of the fortress mobile phone to put forward its own proposals. This paper argues that fortress mobile phone to get long, the competitiveness of in the mobile, the key point is to the quality and after-sales services get whole enhancement. 

Key Words: fortress mobile phone;consumer behavior;competitiveness;mobile marketing




上传会员 小美 对本文的描述:通过问卷调查情况,以“是否能满足消费者需求、占有市场、获得利润、并持续经营”为评价标准,来全面阐述和分析我国“山寨”手机营销模式,并对山寨手机未来的发展提出自己的......
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