
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:雨橙 更新时间:2014-01-10
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Abstract:With the rapid development of computer technology and network technology, the network of teachers evaluating students has also become a trend. The way of using the Web to evaluate student's learning attitude, learning process and learning effect which greatly saved data collecting and data processing time, expand the coverage of evaluation, makes the evaluation result more thorough, detailed  the statistical results more scientific and objective, and makes the students' actual learning situation more fair and just.

   This article mainly elaborates the purpose and significance of the system of teachers evaluation, analyses the type of evaluation index system, and eventually adopts the evaluation index system of hierarchical structure, which makes the evaluation index more scientifically; As analyses the advantages and disadvantages of the system in C/S and B/S, design management system of University Teachers Evaluation Based on Web. The system is divided into two modules: the teacher evaluation module and the administrator user information management module, makes it true that administrator visualization on student learning assessment survey data of information management and other function.

   Web-based thesis college teacher assessment learning management system suitable for network applications, easy sharing of data, easy maintenance, etc., provides a reliable operating environment and technical support to improve the quality of teaching, for teacher assessment science data information management is of great significance. Compared to traditional teacher assessment, online assessment has a strong information collection and processing power.

Keywords: Web;Evaluation;Management system


上传会员 雨橙 对本文的描述:论文研究的基于Web的高校教师评学管理系统具有适合网络应用、数据易共享、维护容易等特点,为提高教学质量提供了可靠的运行环境和技术支持,对于实现教师评学数据信息化管理具......
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