
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:雨橙 更新时间:2014-01-10
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Abstract:As social and economic development, people's living standards improve, to change the way medicine, many health problems should be resolved at the grassroots communities, which community health services practitioners a higher quality requirements. The Community Health is a community unit comprehensive general medical services, to health-centered, demand-oriented, in order to protect for the purpose of providing people with a more comprehensive, full range of integrated sexual health services. In addition, the system is based on B / S architecture to dreamweaver as a development platform, using ASP development technology, the background using access to databases and structured program design.

   Based on the system development process, development and design of the system requirements analysis, functional structure analysis, database design and system detailed design process was explained in detail. According to the actual demand, the system management module includes community residents, community physicians and administrators management module management module. The main function is the community residents can book online community doctor; community doctors according to the reservation information service; the administrator can manage all the information of website.

Keywords: community health care; the medical system; B/S


上传会员 雨橙 对本文的描述:本文根据系统开发过程,对系统开发设计的需求分析、功能结构分析、数据库设计以及系统详细设计等过程进行了详细地阐述。根据实际需求,本系统包含社区居民管理模块,社区医生管......
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